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  • Writer's pictureNishchay Nath

100 point ratings system

Life's too short to drink bad coffee

I have spent this entire summer trying out 20+ coffees and it has been an absolute delight. But I faced a challenge. It was difficult to buy those coffees. Price became the parameter I used to determine the quality of coffee. And it was an absolute bummer when expensive ones turned out to be flat while some of the cheaper coffees turned out to be my go-to favorites. The Q-grading method is ideal in this regards to measure-up coffees against a universally accepted standard. But the MECE-ness of this method is too heavy for your average Joe to understand.

After months of working on this model and intense discussions with growers, roasters and especially consumers, I am introducing you to the 100 point ratings system. This is India's first consumer-friendly ratings method to review coffee with the objective to create a consumer facing standard which makes the buying of coffee informed yet easy.

100 point ratings system:

Color - 10 points

Aroma - 20 points

Flavour - 25 points

Finish - 20 points

Overall Quality - 25 points

Total - 100 points


How I do it:

Every coffee will be reviewed 2 to 3 times over a 15 day horizon from roast date.

Brewing methods will include the standard pourover method.

In certain cases, other methods may also be employed to get a better understanding of the coffee.

Will try my best to conduct a blind test of every coffee to reduce biases.

With due time, I intend to formalise this method further into making coffee decision making much more easier.

Lastly, this review will be for both the planter and the roaster together.


Interpreting Ratings:

Exceptional coffees are not to be missed out at all

Very Good coffees certainly are a must buy

Good coffees make for a great everyday option

Neutral coffees are the ones which need improvement

Poor coffees and below are not worth your money or time


Over-arching structure to reviews and ratings

I intend to cover the following in every coffee review:

1. Tasting notes

2. Coffee scores

3. Overall review

Views presented as a part of my ratings system are personal.

The next step in the process will be launching a full-blown ratings repository which will be updated from time to time.

Website will also be updated soon to enable search of coffee ratings.

1 Comment

May 25, 2020

This is an amazing iniative, Since the average consumer doesn't have a parameter to judge a coffee before buying. So looking forward to it.👍

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