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  • Writer's pictureNishchay Nath

Kalledevarapura Washed by Beanrove - 87 points

Updated: Aug 26, 2020

Review Date: August 2020

Color: 9 / 10

Aroma: 18 / 20

Flavour: 21 / 25

Finish: 19 / 20

Overall Quality: 20 / 25

Total Points: 87 / 100


This coffee is pretty neat. It has notes of milk chocolate, cocoa nibs, nutty and sweet. Aeropress helps extract a bit of the complexity which is otherwise absent. It has a good balance and the aroma plays well into the flavour of the cup. Has a dry finish but leaves behind a little chocolate bitter-sweetness on the palate.

August update: The latest batch saw a 2 point increase in its rating. After the latest roaster upgrade, this coffee has seen an improvement in flavour balance and the finish. The chocolates are greatly highlighted in the cup. This was complemented with notes of malt which finished well on the palate. Overall, a significant improvement in the coffee.

Best for: Espresso, Pourover

Worst for: NA

Pro tips:

This coffee can be paired pretty well with almost everything ranging from desserts to sandwiches and more. Fairly likeable by all.

Final verdict: Recommended for your daily dose of caffeine. Can never get bored.


Beanrove retails via partner brands. I'd recommend dropping them a message on Instagram.

Price: (DM them)

Roaster: Beanrove

Roast level: Medium

Type: Single Estate

Estate Name: Kalledevarapura Estate

Altitude: 1300 m

Location: Chikmagalur

Processing: Washed

Varietal: SL.795

Visit Beanrove


Disclaimer: Views are personal. These reviews are based on the 100 point ratings system designed by the author.


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