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  • Writer's pictureNishchay Nath

Ratnagiri Jasper 44 by Curious Life Coffee Roasters - 91 points

Updated: Sep 7, 2020

Review Date: August 2020

Color: 9 / 10

Aroma: 19 / 20

Flavour: 21 / 25

Finish: 19 / 20

Overall Quality: 23 / 25

Total Points: 91 / 100


This coffee has notes of orange citrus and sour grapes. The roaster mention rum, raisins and orange juice as the tasting notes. I haven't been able to nail the note of rum yet, but the other two are apparent in the cup. What was the absolute winner for me was the mouthfeel. The cup has starts with a tartiness complemented with a brilliant body and ends with a zesty note. The underlying sweetness and the dominant complex acidity make this a superb coffee to enjoy on a mellow Sunday afternoon, with a book and some good music. This coffee is powerful enough to evoke such an imagery. Brilliant piece of art.

Balance: Sweet-complex acidity

Complexity: High

Best for: Pourover

Worst for: Espresso

Pro tips:

Keep it simple. Boiling hot water, finer grind size and standard methods of brewing

Best enjoyed at hotter temperatures

Final verdict: Absolutely recommended


Price: Rs 440 for 250g

Roaster: Curious Life Coffee Roasters

Roast level: Filter

Type: Single Estate

Estate Name: Ratnagiri Estate

Altitude: 1200 - 1300 m

Location: Baba Budan Giri

Processing: Naturals

Varietal: Catuai

Roaster Recommended Recipes

Method: Pourover

17 gms coffee

275 ml water @ boiling hot

Pour 60 ml water

Bloom for 30 seconds

Swirl it nicely

Take water to 180 ml in 1 min

Swirl gently

Take it to 275 ml in 1 min 30 seconds

Swirl gently

Let it drip

Target brew time of 3 min to 3 min 30 seconds


Disclaimer: Views are personal. These reviews are based on the 100 point ratings system designed by the author.


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